Tips and Troubleshooting
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Experience is the best teacher...

On this page I'll include some of my tips and tricks I've learned while doing my hobby. Where appropriate, I'll include steps or pictures to help clarify my explanations.

Please feel free to contribute your own tips - I'll post the best ones so everyone can see them.

Antenna Trouble Shooting!
This should be one of the most important projects before erecting the antenna.


Tip 1: Antenna Construction!!!!
Choose wich ever will be more suitable for your needs. The top one has 30 meters on it and the bottom one doesn't.



Two-way radio antenna troubleshooting

It is critical that the antenna be in place and connected to the radio before proceeding. See drawing in installation instructions page. Test the antenna prior to connecting it. If you are using the antenna provided by Comp Comm, passing the following test will not guarantee that the antenna is OK, but failing it will guarantee that it is bad.

Using an ohmmeter or continuity tester and with the PL259 antenna connector disconnected from the radio test between the outer barrel of the connector, and the inner contact pin.This must show open. Next, test between the inner contact of the connector and the actual whip of the antenna. This must show continuity. Do not connect the antenna if either of these tests fail. The greatest likelihood of failure is in the wiring of the PL259 connector. Any “escaped” braid in the connector will cause a short between the barrel of the connector, and the center pin, and will render the antenna not only useless, but the short will represent a potential danger to the final transistor of the radio transmitter.

It is interesting to note that even with a bad or shorted antenna, the receiving (incoming) signal at the radio will be less compromised than the transmitted one.


Online Formulas To Design your Own Dipoles and Inverted Vees!


List of Tips

In this area I may include a list of all the tips on this page, to make the page easier to scan. For example:

Tip 1 Make sure to use a test meter or continuity tester.
Tip 2 Make sure to use the correct coax cable for specific frequency/antenna.
Tip 3 Remember use your own judgment with antenna heights and the lenght of the coax for better performance and less swr loss.


